Position:  The 14th Beijing Municipal Women's Congress >  Delegates

Zhao Juan: Medical Worker Protects Women and Children's Health

Date:2019-7-4 11:02:18   Views:

Zhao Juan is Vice-President of theBeijing Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital underthe Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University.

Zhao is also Vice-Director of the Society of Women's Health under the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association and Director of the Society of Women's Health under the Beijing Preventive Medicine Association.

Shehas been engaged in hygiene, as well as women's and children's healthcare for nearly three decades.

Demonstrating a strong consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity and to think in big-picture terms, Zhao has excelled in the observance of a problem-oriented approachduring research studies to find solutions.She has been praised for having strong competencies and skills in administrative and coordinative affairs.

Zhao has made remarkable contributions to the internet-based network construction for women and children's affairs, the promotion of their health and development, as well as the protection of their legal rights and interests.

She led her colleagues to go against insurmountable difficulties and conduct an in-depth researchon the anticipated surge of baby deliveries, the potential risks faced by older and high-risk pregnant women, the shortage of delivery rooms, as well as maternal and child healthcaremeasures when the country was planning to universally roll out its second-child policy in 2016.

Drawing upon the conclusions of their research, Zhao and her colleaguesin the same year suggested the local government and relevant departments to jointly issue a notice concerning the redistribution of maternal and child healthcare resources in the city.

According to the notice, local public maternal and child healthcare institutes would annually receive a subsidy worth120 million yuan (US $17.4 million) in the following three years to finance deliverybeds. It is expected that another 10 million yuan was set to support the training of midwives.

In addition, the noticealso gave support to the building of new branches forthe Beijing Obstetrics and GynecologyHospital.

Thanks to the notice, the capital city has seen an increase of about 1,000 beds for baby deliveries and 800 newly trained midwives. All these efforts have greatly ensured the health and safety of pregnant women and their newborns.