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BWF Assigns Representatives to Attend Generation Equality Forum Online

Date:2021-7-16 16:17:08    Views:

The Generation Equality forum, initiated by UN Women and hosted by the governments of Mexico and France in Paris from June 30 to July 2. The forum was held for the purposing of further implementing the Beijing Declaration and Program for Action adopted at the Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing in 1995, and promote gender equality and women's empowerment.


UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, UN Women Executive Director Pumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka and heads of states and governments, heads of international organizations, advocates of social and youth organizations and entrepreneurs from Germany, the United States, Kenya, Argentina and other countries participated in the event. Zhou Yaqin and Song Zeyu, young representatives assigned by Beijing Women's Federation, attended the forum online as members the Chinese delegation organized by the Liaison Department of the All-China Women's Federation.

UN Women holds the Generation Equality forum in Paris. 

Some participants attend the forum online. [Beijing Women's Federation]

Zhou Yaqin (left) and Song Zeyu participate in the forum online as the Chinese representatives. [Beijing Women's Federation]


Zhou and Song said that they have felt the serious impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, learned about the economic and social inequality, domestic violence and other difficulties facing women and children in various countries. They are also more aware that young people are the key force in achieving gender equality.


As a student majoring in politics and economics, Zhou's keyword for this forum was "responsibility."


In the seminar "Leaving no one behind: providing equal resources for women with disabilities," Zhou learned about China's achievements in ensuring education for school-age girls with disabilities through the speech of the Chinese representative, and learned about China's efforts and responsibilities as a major country to maintain equal opportunities for school-age children.


Combining her experiences of participating in volunteers' activities organized by BWF several times, she believes that promoting gender equality, women's participation in politics, and enhancing the voice of social governance requires the participation and responsibility of the younger generation.


She said that in her future study and life, she will start with herself, actively practicing gender equality, spreading the concept through practical actions such as voluntary service, and assume the responsibility of the youth.


Song, head of the Chinese market of the "SheLovesTech" Global Startup Competition platform, felt "confidence" coming out of the forum.


She believes that gender equality needs to be promoted by all forces around the world. As the organizer of women's science and technology-focused entrepreneurship competitions, she is more confident about gender equality in that field.


The empowerment of women in science and technology can not only help women add more value in the workplace, but the development of science and technology can also bridge the digital divide and further contribute to the realization of gender equality.


Song is confident to help more women innovate and start businesses in the field of science and technology, and hopes they will show their strength in the new era.


Promoting gender equality and women's empowerment are important goals set by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The BWF selected young female representatives to participate in international exchanges on gender equality as an effort to encourage youths from all countries to take joint action and achieve the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.


Since 2014, BWF and the Foreign Affairs Office of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality have consecutively held an activity under the theme of "promoting gender equality and building a better world." They have invited over 100 Chinese and foreign volunteers from over 35 countries to participate, with thousands of young people having already taken part in the activity.


The participants took part in voluntary services on women and children, publicized the concept of gender equality to the public, listened to lectures by experts on gender equality, discussed women's rights protection cases and disseminated stories on gender equality. Taking advantage of Beijing as the host city of the Fourth World Conference on Women, BWF has publicized the cause of women and children in Beijing, and brought together the younger generation to further realize the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

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